August Wishlist

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Sweatshirt | Pants | Heels (old Steve Madden) Similar

No matter how many hoodies I buy, it always seems like I need more. Sweaters and hoodies are definitely clothing items that I love to buy from the men’s department. So, in case you haven’t found your perfect fit yet, a hot tip of advice is to look for a straighter fit one in the men’s section!
Linked some of my favorites below. <3

Photo taken with iPhone here, similar here.


Beach days

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Last weekend we spent the entire afternoon doing nothing but watching the water glitter and absorb the sound of waves hitting the shore. I found myself become so calm yet alive at the same time. It was the perfect way to recharge some batteries! Certain spots around Stockholm are truly balm to the soul during the summer – or ‘balsam för själen’ as we say in Swedish <3

Photo taken with iPhone here, similar here.

