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Never not in the mood of self care and a cup of tea <3
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Never not in the mood of self care and a cup of tea <3
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What is better than wearing a full black outfit on days that you don’t want to put any effort yet look pulled together?
One of the outfits that I like for those days is a black hoodie, leather pants, and a pair of high boots. I always tend to pair leather pants with a chic pair of ‘cat-eye’ sunglasses, and they always makes me feel like I can take over the world.
During colder days, complete your look with a puffer jacket or an oversized coat. <3
Finns det något bättre än en “all-black” outfit på dagar som du inte vill anstränga dig men ändå se ut som att du har livet under kontroll?
En av mina favoritoutfits för dagar som dessa är en svart huvtröja, läderbyxor och ett par höga stövlar. Jag brukar alltid matcha läderbyxor med ett par coola ‘cat-eye’ solglasögon, och de får mig alltid att känna att jag kan ta över världen.
Under kallare dagar, komplettera din look med en pufferjacka eller en oversized kappa. <3
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The highlight of this weekend for me was when Khushbo and I spent the Friday evening eating sushi, catching up on life, talking about everything between heaven and earth. Looking back at snapshots from that day, I am so happy that I have kept a virtual journal of photos since 2010 (basically since I bought my first iPhone). I can’t wait to one day, when I’m in my 60s, look back at all these photos and talk about how young we were <3
Helgens höjdpunkt för mig var när Khushbo och jag tillbringade fredagskvällen med att äta sushi och prata om allt mellan himmel och jord. När jag ser tillbaka på bilder från fredags är jag så glad att jag har fört bilddagbok sedan 2010 (i princip sedan jag köpte min första iPhone) och jag ser framemot att en dag, när jag är i 60-årsåldern, titta tillbaka på alla dessa bilder och prata om hur unga vi var <3
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I know that I have said this so many times before, but I just love The Ordinary and their skincare products. I have been an frequent user of their products for 2 years now and together with drinking lots of water every day, their products have done wonders for me and my skin. Although I am no expert in skincare, it is a big interest of mine and I like to experiment a lot with which combinations work and which are an absolute failure. My to-go favorite is their Marula Oil. No matter how many hours I’ve slept or how gloomy I feel – it never fails to give me the glow I want. Here are all the products that I am currently using on a daily basis.
Jag vet att jag har sagt det så många gånger förr, men jag älskar bara The Ordinary och deras hudvårdsprodukter. Jag har varit en flitig användare av deras produkter i 2 år nu och tillsammans med drickandet av många liter vatten om dagen har deras produkter gjort underverk för mig och min hy. Även om jag inte är expert på hudvård så är det ett stort intresse för mig och jag gillar att experimentera mycket med vilka kombinationer som fungerar och vilka som är ett absolut misslyckande. Min favorit är deras Marula Olja. Oavsett hur många timmar jag har sovit eller hur glåmig jag än känner mig i hyn misslyckas den aldrig med att ge mig “that Glow”. Här är alla produkter som jag för närvarande använder dagligen.
PS. Foreo’s are currently on 20% off at Lyko! In case you’ve thinking about getting one, now it the perfect time to save some on your purchase <3
PS. Foreos sortiment är för närvarande på 20% rabatt hos Lyko! Om du funderar på att klicka hem en, är det nu den perfekta tiden att spara en slant på ditt köp <3
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If there is one piece of accessory I could advise you to add to your autumn wardrobe in 2020, it’s a Bag Strap. If you are anything like me and like to carry your life in a bag every time you step out the door, then a shoulder bag strap is a chic way to carry all the things you want and still have the hands open to hold a cup of latte. It’s the perfect accessory for the cute bags that are roomy but the hand/shoulder straps are too small for the ‘multilayers + jacket’ outfits that we usually wear during the coming colder autumn days. The best thing? You can use it will different bags for variety! Make sure to get one that matches with almost all your bags and not only one of them <3
Best budget bag straps are linked below <3
Om det finns ett tillbehör som jag kan rekommendera dig att lägga till i din höstgarderob 2020 är det ett snyggt Bag Strap. Om du är något som jag och gillar att bära ditt liv i en väska varje gång du går ut genom dörren, då är ett Bag Strap ett chic sätt att bära alla saker du vill och ändå ha händerna fria för att hålla en kopp latte. Det är det perfekta tillbehöret för de söta väskorna som är rymliga men där hand/axelremmarna är för små för ett “lager på lager + jacka” outfit som vi bär vanligtvis under de kommande kallare höstdagarna.
Det bästa? Du kan använda det olika väskor för variation! Se till att klicka hem en som matchar nästan alla dina väskor och inte bara en av dem <3
Bästa budget Bag straps är länkade nedan <3
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Today’s Saturday morning was well spent catching up with work and eating a healthy breakfast. As you guys maybe have seen on my Instagram stories, I love steel cut oats for breakfast topped with fresh fruit. Today, had 1/2 mashed banana as the base, and about 4-5 tablespoons of prepared porridge. I topped it with fresh strawberries, hemp seeds, and cacao nibs <3
My bowls are from H&M Home, linked here. They also come in grey and black but I like them best in white ceramic.
Lördagsmorgonen spenderades väl på att komma ikapp med lite jobb och äta en hälsosam frukost. Som ni kanske har sett på min Instagram älskar jag “Steel cut oats” till frukost toppad med färsk frukt. Idag hade 1/2 mosad banan som bas med cirka 4-5 msk lagad gröt. Jag toppade gröten med färska jordgubbar, hampafrön och kakaonibs <3
Mina skålar är från H&M Home, länkade här. De finns också i grå och svart men jag gillar dem bäst i vit keramik.
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This is business casual, right? <3
Redoing my dining area must be one of the best decisions I have made. During spring, Khushbo and I spent two days redoing this space, making decisions about different curtain rail solutions and sewing the curtains to the perfect length, and now most of my photos are taken in this space. After days of deliberating and comparing, we got double rail curtains that allow light to come through from the outside in a nice way creating a cozy atmosphere without being too “yellow”. Needless to say, I am more than happy with how it turned out!
Outfit and similar items linked below.
PS. Some of the sweatpants are currently on sale <3
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Sweatshirt | Pants | Heels (old Steve Madden) Similar
No matter how many hoodies I buy, it always seems like I need more. Sweaters and hoodies are definitely clothing items that I love to buy from the men’s department. So, in case you haven’t found your perfect fit yet, a hot tip of advice is to look for a straighter fit one in the men’s section!
Linked some of my favorites below. <3
Photo taken with iPhone here, similar here.
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Last weekend we spent the entire afternoon doing nothing but watching the water glitter and absorb the sound of waves hitting the shore. I found myself become so calm yet alive at the same time. It was the perfect way to recharge some batteries! Certain spots around Stockholm are truly balm to the soul during the summer – or ‘balsam för själen’ as we say in Swedish <3
Photo taken with iPhone here, similar here.
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July evenings are spent best strolling around in nature wearing big sweaters from the men’s sections. Favorites are linked below <3
Sweatshirt | Skirt | Shoes | Purse
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July is coming to an end, and with that we are moving to colder days. For me, one of my best memories from July is my birthday and the waffle breakfast that my sister surprised me with. Since the beginning of this year, I have been actively excluding gluten as it doesn’t make my tummy feel good, and because of that, I have no longer been able to eat luxury breakfasts outside as much as I used to. Therefore, when Khushbo surprised me with luxury gluten- and egg-free sweet and savory waffles breakfast, I was ecstatic! I guess I am just a lover of food <3
What is your favorite memory from summer so far? <3
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Being a summer child, I have always loved my birthday. As a child, we always spent my birthday outdoors having a barbecue, picnic, or going for a field trip. When I grew up, I spent almost many of my birthdays abroad exploring new cities. So in similar nature, I spent my day this year doing things I love, ate lots of yummy food surrounded by people I love. Another post with more snapshots is on its way <3
The red dress is linked here, it’s currently on sale, get it before it’s gone! <3
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Is there anything more comfortable than an oversized blazer and a big pair of boyfriend jeans? I have cropped mine for the perfect fit <3
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One of my favorite things with summer is to attend weddings and celebrate love. Here’s a throwback from last summer, when a friend of mine got married in Stockholm. This dress is no longer available, but I’m linking few favorites currently available below! If you’re scouting for a dress to wear at a wedding this season, don’t forget to buy one that you can also see yourself wearing for date night or dinner with friends in the future! Always consider the cost per wear <3
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The weather during the past days has been so moody and unpredictable, and the course of the picnics and working from outdoors have slowed down for me. Though I am looking forward to warmer and sunnier days, it feels good to slow down a bit and reflect on the past 6 months and perhaps leaf through a book or two <3
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What is summer really without long aimless walks beside the river? I can’t emphasize enough how beautiful the Swedish summer has been so far. I have already been on a dozen picnics and can’t wait for the ones coming up! For occasions like these, I love wearing long skirts as they are both comfortable and chic! Favorites are linked below <3
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There is nothing cozier than big hoodies from the men’s section on top of a pair of jeans-shorts on late summer evenings. Plus points if they’re super oversized so that it feels like you’re swimming in them. Cute, cosy and super comfortable to bring along for all the sunset-chasing this summer season.
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Monochrome days with a hint of Gucci gold. I’m a big lover of white on white in summer but there is something easy about an oversized white tee and a black pair of jeans when you want to run errands or get things done. Pair it with a cute belt and you’re good to go from (home) office to afternoon ‘fika’ with friends. And don’t forget the most important accessory; a good perfume <3
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The weather here in Stockholm has been a dream during the past days. The sky has been blue, the sun has been shining, and sitting in the sun with my nieces and nephew has made me re-remember why I love the Swedish summer so much. I hope you’ve all had equally good weather during the midsummer as us. The dress I am wearing is last season, but I have linked similar below <3
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Photo is a throwback from last summer, so I’ve listed some similar hoodies, white jeans and shoes below <3
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Every Sunday, since the start of 2020, I have treated myself with a few-step home spa routine. I start the day with a no-alarm morning and let myself wake up at whatever time I do. After brunch; I go in for a long shower, taking time to exfoliate my skin, put in a hair mask, etc. When I’m done, I brew a cup of tea and start my favorite part of the day which is to spend the entire noon in my bathrobe, apply a facemask, and catch up on reading.
Whether you grew up reading Cinderella or watched all the classics later in life, you must agree that the story portraits how important a pair of shoes can be. In fact, some may argue that they can be life-changing.
Now, I have never owned nor worn a pair of glass slippers but I can imagine that they might hurt a bit if they’re not the perfect fit or slip away and be left behind when in hurry. And to be honest, that doesn’t sound so tempting – so, let’s stick to these comfortable heels instead?
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During the past weeks, I have been spending much more time at home than I usually do. With that, I have also gotten more time at my hands to engage and finish all the home projects that I once started but never finished. I have moved a lot of furniture around, finally got curtains up in the kitchen, and even reorganized my bedroom. And I am liking the new look of my home.
The thing is, I really like to move things around my home as it gives a tad of excitement and change in my everyday. And since most of the things/furniture in my home can be moved around easily and look good together, I always get a fresh new home when I reorganize things without feeling the need to buy a bunch of new stuff.
So the only things that I have recently bought online in other to complement the new look of my home are just candles. Because one can never have enough candles, right?