Slow Saturday morning

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Today’s Saturday morning was well spent catching up with work and eating a healthy breakfast. As you guys maybe have seen on my Instagram stories, I love steel cut oats for breakfast topped with fresh fruit. Today, had 1/2 mashed banana as the base, and about 4-5 tablespoons of prepared porridge. I topped it with fresh strawberries, hemp seeds, and cacao nibs <3

My bowls are from H&M Home, linked here. They also come in grey and black but I like them best in white ceramic.


Lördagsmorgonen spenderades väl på att komma ikapp med lite jobb och äta en hälsosam frukost. Som ni kanske har sett på min Instagram älskar jag “Steel cut oats” till frukost toppad med färsk frukt. Idag hade 1/2 mosad banan som bas med cirka 4-5 msk lagad gröt. Jag toppade gröten med färska jordgubbar, hampafrön och kakaonibs <3

Mina skålar är från H&M Home, länkade här. De finns också i grå och svart men jag gillar dem bäst i vit keramik.


Breakfast waffles

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July is coming to an end, and with that we are moving to colder days. For me, one of my best memories from July is my birthday and the waffle breakfast that my sister surprised me with. Since the beginning of this year, I have been actively excluding gluten as it doesn’t make my tummy feel good, and because of that, I have no longer been able to eat luxury breakfasts outside as much as I used to. Therefore, when Khushbo surprised me with luxury gluten- and egg-free sweet and savory waffles breakfast, I was ecstatic! I guess I am just a lover of food <3
What is your favorite memory from summer so far? <3


At home

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During the past weeks, I have been spending much more time at home than I usually do. With that, I have also gotten more time at my hands to engage and finish all the home projects that I once started but never finished. I have moved a lot of furniture around, finally got curtains up in the kitchen, and even reorganized my bedroom. And I am liking the new look of my home.

The thing is, I really like to move things around my home as it gives a tad of excitement and change in my everyday. And since most of the things/furniture in my home can be moved around easily and look good together, I always get a fresh new home when I reorganize things without feeling the need to buy a bunch of new stuff.

So the only things that I have recently bought online in other to complement the new look of my home are just candles. Because one can never have enough candles, right?

